A Message to Anxiety: Finding Calm Through Guided Meditation

Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.
Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by anxious thoughts and physical sensations? Anxiety can make it feel like you’re constantly fighting against a tide of worry and fear. In this blog post, you’ll discover how a 13-minute guided meditation designed to provide anxiety relief can help you find calm and peace.

Join Andrea Wachter, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as she leads you through a serene journey of mindfulness and compassion, helping you to manage your anxiety and return to the present moment.

A 13-minute guided meditation to manage anxiety

In this guided meditation practice, Andrea Wachter will guide you through compassionate redirection of anxious thoughts and soothing anxious sensations. You can start this practice anytime you need to find calm and safety.

For more guided meditations, check out the largest library of free guided meditations on Insight Timer.

Anxiety relief guided meditation script

Here’s a step-by-step guide through Andrea Wachter’s meditation.

Step 1: Begin with deep breaths

Let’s start by taking a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply, feeling the air fill your lungs, and then exhale slowly, releasing any tension. Focus on the rhythm of your breathing, allowing it to anchor you in the present moment.

Step 2: Address anxious thoughts

Imagine that your compassionate heart is speaking directly to your anxious thoughts. Recognize these thoughts and acknowledge their presence with kindness.

Step 3: Acknowledge the protective intention

Understand that your anxious thoughts are trying to protect you, even though they may be causing more anxiety. Remind yourself that nothing bad is happening right now in the present.

Step 4: Deepen your breath

Encourage your breath to go a little deeper. Allow your body to relax more with each breath. Focus on relaxing each part of your body: your forehead, your eyes, your jaw, your neck, and your shoulders. Relax your chest and belly.

Step 5: Reassure your busy mind

Speak directly to your busy mind, offering gratitude and reassurance. Thank your mind for trying to keep you safe and figure things out, but emphasize that in the present moment, there is nothing to figure out. Assure your mind that it is safe and you are safe right now.

Step 6: Embrace the present moment

Gently guide your attention back to the present moment. Reaffirm that right here, right now, it is safe. Notice your breath and bring your attention to each inhale and exhale. Encourage your busy mind to rest in the safety of the present moment.

Step 7: Acknowledge anxious physical sensations

Recognize the physical sensations of anxiety. Understand that these sensations are temporary chemical reactions and not a sign of danger. Acknowledge that if there were something that needed immediate attention, you would address it. Reaffirm that at this moment, you are safe.

Feeling out of control? Find out how to halt an anxiety spiral

Step 8: Engage your senses

Pay attention to what is factually present in this moment, such as the surface beneath you and any sounds you can hear. If your eyes are closed, notice the feeling of your eyelids on your eyes and allow the muscles around your eyes to relax. If your eyes are open, notice the colors and shapes around you.

Develop deeper connection with 5-senses grounding practice.

Step 9: Offer compassion to yourself

Address your anxious thoughts and sensations with compassion. Acknowledge that these responses are automatic. Tell them you will commit to practicing soothing and redirecting them back to the present moment.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Andrea Wachter‘s “A Message to Anxiety,” which you can find here.

You can explore more anxiety relief meditations below:

Take a moment to reflect

After the meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Journaling your thoughts and feelings can help clarify your experiences, reveal patterns, and track your emotional growth over time. Consider these reflective questions:

  1. How did your body feel before and after the meditation?
  2. How did focusing on the present moment affect your anxiety levels?
  3. What compassionate messages resonated most with you?
  4. What steps can you take to incorporate this meditation practice into your daily routine?

Find peace and calm with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

Experience the calming benefits of guided meditation on Insight Timer’s free meditation app. With access to the largest library of free guided meditations and soothing meditation music, you can continue your journey towards inner peace and tranquility. Download the Insight Timer app today and find your calm.

Want a longer meditation to manage your anxiety? Try Hugh Byrne’s 29-minute mindfulness meditation for relieving stress and worry.

Meditation. Free.