Affirmation Meditation: Transform Energy and Empower Self-Healing

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

In a world filled with dense and heavy energies, it’s essential to reconnect with our true essence and harness our inner power to transform those energies into light. This guided affirmation meditation, “I Am a Starseed Alchemist,” led by Steve Nobel, empowers you to do just that.

Steve guides you through a serene practice, helping you clear karmic imprints, release outdated energies, and restore your connection to your divine light. Whether you are healing emotional wounds, purging energetic blockages, or simply seeking a moment of peace, this 20-minute meditation opens the gateway to deep healing, self-realization, and empowerment.

Inspiration behind “I Am a Starseed Alchemist meditation

Steve Nobel’s meditations draw deeply from his spiritual journey, beginning in the early 1990s during his first spiritual awakening. He shares, 

“I was drawn to metaphysical meditations, mostly ones offered by spiritual channels. Over time, I transitioned to following my own inner guidance.” 

This evolution into creating his own guided meditations stems from his experiences and working with clients. Through this meditation, Steve helps people align with higher vibrations and release karmic energies, opening a path toward spiritual assistance and healing.

A 20-minute meditation to transform energy and heal

This 20-minute meditation is designed to help you connect with your true multidimensional nature as a starseed alchemist—a being of light with the ability to transform energy at all levels. Steve guides you to speak directly to your unconscious mind, the part of yourself that never sleeps, always listens, and holds the key to your reality. By using affirmations, you are able to reprogram your body, mind, and spirit, allowing healing and transformation to take place effortlessly.

For more transformative meditations like this one, explore the largest library of free guided meditations available on Insight Timer.

“I Am a Starseed Alchemist” guided meditation script

Follow these steps to fully immerse yourself in Steve Nobel’s healing affirmation meditation. Each step invites you to journey deeper into the core of your being and activate your inner power.

Step 1: Addressing the unconscious mind

Begin by speaking directly to your unconscious mind. In this moment of stillness, send a message deep into your body and cells, reprogramming old beliefs and energies that no longer serve you. As you repeat Steve’s affirmations, allow each word to sink into the very core of your being, activating your body’s natural healing power:

“I am a sovereign being of light. I trust in the healing and cleansing power of my body.”

Visualize the liquid golden light from the great central sun flowing into your body, connecting every cell with divine intelligence.

Step 2: Cleansing and releasing old energies

As you speak the affirmations, your body becomes a vessel of healing light. Sense the release of old toxic energies from your bones, blood, and organs. Every cell is purging what no longer serves you, allowing for deep physical and energetic renewal. Steve guides you through energetic clearing with the following affirmation:

“I release all pharmaceutical poisons and toxins from my body. I am immune to all factors causing suffering and disease.”

Visualize your body glowing with a vibrant, radiant light as every cell is filled with pure energy. Feel yourself becoming lighter and more expansive as you let go of the past.

Step 3: Awakening the starseed within

In this next step, Steve helps you connect with your essence as a starseed—a being connected to the great central sun and the ancient energies of the earth. Steve explains:

“A starseed is a soul whose primary home is not felt to be this dimension of the earth-plane. They are here with the aim of transforming the personality/ego selves with all associated lower vibrational energies, patterns, and programs into light or gold.”

You are reminded that this age is a time of prophecy, a time of the ascending sixth sun, and that you are here to assist in the transition. As you repeat the affirmations, feel your spirit expand and your inner channel open:

“I stand on the one ascending timeline. My spirit is pure light. I receive a flow of golden liquid light from the great central sun.”

You are grounded into the crystalline grid of the earth, loved and supported by its nurturing energies. As you connect with this powerful source of light, you awaken to your true purpose as a transformer of energies.

Step 4: Purging lower vibrations

Now, Steve leads you through a process of purging the lower vibrations you’ve absorbed from the 3D matrix—whether they be emotional, mental, or spiritual. You release the toxic emotions, thoughts, and energies that do not belong to you, creating spaciousness and freedom within your heart, mind, and energy field:

“I purge all emotional energy from others that I have picked up. My emotional body becomes a great still lake reflecting the loving light of my bright spirit.”

As you release these energies, your entire being becomes clearer and more radiant, ready to reflect the pure light of your soul.

Step 5: Activating the chakras with liquid light

In the final step, Steve guides you through activating all your chakras, from crown to base, with the golden light from the central sun and the diamond white light from the earth. Each chakra is filled with higher vibrational liquid light, creating a deep sense of balance, healing, and harmony throughout your energy system:

“My chakras resonate with higher vibrational liquid light. I radiate this light into my reality.”

As your chakras are cleared and activated, you become a beacon of light in the world, radiating healing energy into your surroundings. You are now fully aligned with your purpose as a starseed alchemist.

This meditation is adapted from Steve Nobel’s Affirmations: I Am a Starseed Alchemist, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing this meditation, take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Here are some questions to guide your reflection:

  • How did it feel to address your unconscious mind and speak these affirmations into your being?
  • What emotions or sensations arose during the process of releasing old energies?
  • How did your connection to the great central sun and the earth’s crystalline grid shift your energy?
  • What insights did you gain about your own power to transform energy?

Journaling about your reflections can help deepen your practice and track your growth over time. Through regular meditation, you can continue to refine your ability to cleanse, heal, and transform energy.

Why Steve Nobel loves meditating with Insight Timer

Steve Nobel’s meditations have reached millions of listeners on Insight Timer, allowing him to share his unique blend of affirmations and energy work with a global audience. He shares:

“Insight Timer has made it possible for people all over the world to access meditations that are deeply transformative. It’s a welcoming platform for anyone seeking to elevate their consciousness and connect with their true light.”

By practicing regularly, you can awaken to your own potential as a starseed alchemist, creating lasting transformation for yourself and those around you. Explore more of Steve’s powerful meditations on Insight Timer.

Deepen your healing journey with Insight Timer 

Looking to explore more practices that support energetic healing and transformation? Discover the largest library of free guided meditations available on Insight Timer. Whether you’re seeking more affirmations, energy healing practices, or chakra-clearing meditations, there are countless resources to enhance your personal journey.

You can also explore meditation music designed to deepen your practice and create a serene, healing environment.

Meditation. Free.