Holistic Strategies To Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
Moving into the new year, many people take the time to define resolutions. Some might want to exercise, others might want to eat healthier,...
Isabelle PikörnMeditation and mindfulness benefit our mental health in infinite ways. Trauma, anxiety, depression, and unhelpful psychological patterns are each soothed through awareness.
Learn how radical self-compassion and meditation help us conquer negative self talk. Mindfully navigate social media, a stressful workplace or interpersonal relationships. Build new habits and approach addiction recovery with awareness. Work through fears and trauma with meditation.
Explore the connection between mindfulness and psychological wellbeing with posts from leading physicians, spiritual teachers and Insight Timer staff writers.
Moving into the new year, many people take the time to define resolutions. Some might want to exercise, others might want to eat healthier,...
Isabelle PikörnAlthough it may sometimes seem like an easy feat, having a conversation can be an immense amount of work for your brain! The many...
Isabelle PikörnThis second part of the "Coping with Chaos: Creating a mindful relationship with society and politics"-series is about the need to be aware of...
Robert Leichtman, MDIt’s inevitable that we’re all going to suffer from physical pain at some point or another. No one likes it, but mindfulness can significantly...
Vidyamala BurchWho are we? What do we believe? What do we want and what do we not want? This first part of the "Coping with...
Robert Leichtman, MD“Meditation games” are a playful way to introduce children to the practice of bringing awareness to the present moment and becoming calm. Discover ideas...
Alison SerourDoes being mindful lead to becoming social engagement? This article explores the links between mindfulness and altruistic behavior.
Isabelle PikörnPerfectionism is a virus, and it’s a doozy. It often infects us at childhood through experiences that teach us we have to be perfect...
Dr. Candice CreasmanSocial media use is regarded as a contributing factor in the recent rise in mental health problems amongst young people. Learn more about the...
Dr. Lillian NejadHave you ever woken in the night with an overwhelming, palpable feeling of anxiety, worrying you have missed a flight, you’re being chased or...
Isabelle Pikörn