Cord-Cutting Meditation: Release Unhealthy Attachments

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt energetically tied to a person, place, or situation, even long after it no longer serves you? Energetic attachments, or ‘cords,’ can keep us connected to people or experiences in ways that drain our energy and emotional well-being. Fortunately, there’s a way to free yourself from these invisible ties through a powerful practice called cord-cutting meditation.

In this article, you’ll discover a 28-minute guided cord-cutting meditation led by Alisha on Insight Timer. This gentle yet transformative meditation will help you identify, release, and heal from these attachments, allowing you to reclaim your energy and inner peace.

A 28-minute cord-cutting meditation to release unhealthy attachments

This 28-minute guided meditation practice focuses on clearing energetic attachments to help you reclaim your energy and emotional freedom.

For more guided meditations like this, explore our largest library of free guided meditations.

Cord-cutting meditation script

Step 1: Find a comfortable position

Choose a comfortable meditation posture, either seated cross-legged or lying down. Ensure your body feels fully supported and at ease. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, allowing your body to soften with each exhale.

Step 2: Connect with your inner stillness

Focus on your breath and allow yourself to become aware of your inner stillness. This is your safe space—a place of refuge that remains calm and undisturbed.

Step 3: Visualize the door

In your mind’s eye, imagine a door that represents your pathway to release. Observe its details, gently open it, and step into a serene outdoor environment illuminated by moonlight.

Step 4: Approach the healing pool

Notice a still pool of water shimmering in the moonlight. Sit at the water’s edge and allow its peaceful energy to fill your senses.

Step 5: Identify energetic cords

As you breathe deeply, visualize the energetic cords attached to your body. These may appear as vines, ropes, or threads. Observe them without judgment.

Step 6: Release the cords

With every breath, release the energetic cords. Visualize them dissolving into the healing water or retracting gently away from you.

Step 7: Seal and replenish your energy

Dip the remaining cord ends into the healing water and seal them with gratitude. Allow the water’s warmth to fill any energetic gaps with fresh, vibrant energy.

Step 8: Return to the present

Slowly, walk back through the door and return to your present space. Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, take a deep breath, and open your eyes when you’re ready.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Alisha’s Cord Cutting Meditation | Release Unhealthy Attachments practice.

Take a moment to reflect

After completing this meditation, take some time to reflect on your experience. Consider journaling your thoughts to deepen your insights.

  • What emotions arose during the meditation?
  • Did you notice any specific attachments that felt significant?
  • How does your body feel now compared to before the meditation?
  • What boundaries do you want to set moving forward?

Reclaim your energy with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

To continue your healing journey, explore more transformative practices on Insight Timer’s free meditation app. Whether you’re seeking meditation music or additional guided meditations, you’ll find a wealth of resources to support your well-being.

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Meditation. Free.