Deep Healing Meditation: A Journey of Self-kindness and Relaxation

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you find it hard to relax and truly let go of stress and anxiety? In this blog post, you’ll discover how a 23-minute guided body scan meditation designed to promote deep healing can transform your mental and emotional well-being. Science has shown that regular practice can even change the physical structure of your brain.

Join davidji, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as he leads you through a serene journey of deep healing, helping you to become kinder to yourself and more accepting of the world around you.

A 23-minute guided meditation to experience deep healing

Embark on a guided meditation journey focused on healing and strengthening your mind and body, so you can reduce anxiety, increase self-compassion, and transform your inner and outer world.

For more body scan guided meditations, explore our largest library of free guided meditations.

Deep healing guided meditation script

Here is a step-by-step guide through davidji’s guided meditation:

Step 1: Prepare your space and body

Find a comfortable place to lie down or sit. Make sure you have pillows or cushions to support your head and body. Comfort is queen, so take your time to create a cozy and supportive environment. Take a long, slow, deep breath in and gently let it go. Repeat this once more and allow your eyes to close, maintaining long, slow, deep breaths in and out.

Step 2: Set your intention

Think about any physical, emotional, or mental discomfort you’re experiencing. This practice can help heal and relieve those areas of pain or stress. Invite an intention into your awareness—something you wish to see unfold in your life, whether it’s healing, a breakthrough, or achieving your highest self. Once your intention is clear, plant it like a seed in the fertile soil of your heart and let it take root. Breathe deeply and let it go, leaving the details to the universe.

Step 3: Begin the body scan

Start at the crown of your head, and notice any sensations. Allow the area to relax. Gradually drift your attention down to your ears, temples, eyes, cheekbones, and jaw. Relax each area as you focus on it, breathing into any tension and releasing it on the exhale.

Step 4: Relax your upper body

Move your focus to your neck and throat, breathing into them and letting them relax. Let your shoulders surrender, and do the same for your chest and upper back. Breathe into your biceps, elbows, forearms, wrists, hands, and fingers, allowing them to relax completely.

Step 5: Focus on the torso

Return your attention to your chest, then move down to the ribcage, middle back, lower back, and belly. Breathe into each area, letting go of any tension or discomfort. Feel your hips and pelvis surrender and relax.

Step 6: Relax your legs

Shift your focus to your thighs, quads, and hamstrings, breathing into these muscles and relaxing them. Let your knees, lower legs, ankles, heels, soles, and toes relax, breathing into each area and releasing any remaining tension.

Step 7: Scan your body for any remaining tension

From the top of your head to your toes, scan your body for any areas of constriction. Breathe into these areas and allow them to relax. Continue this practice until your entire body feels fully surrendered and relaxed.

Step 8: Acceptance and affirmation

Shift your attention to your toes and feet, then gradually move up your body, accepting each part as pure, perfect, and whole. Repeat this process, focusing on your legs, pelvis, waist, back, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and head. Accept any remaining constriction, sadness, or pain with love and allow it to exist without resistance.

Step 9: Repeat affirmations

Begin repeating the affirmations: I am whole. I trust. I am love. I am. Let these words resonate through every fiber of your being. Sit gently with your eyes closed, letting the stillness and silence settle in. Allow the healing to continue flowing through you, dripping away anxiety and restoring your wholeness.

Step 10: Return to the present moment

Take a long, slow, deep breath in, from your toes to the crown of your head, and let it go. Repeat this once more, then wiggle your fingers and toes, gently bringing your awareness back to the world around you. Be kind to yourself as you transition out of the meditation.

This guided meditation script was adapted from davidji’s deep healing body scan, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

Journaling can deepen your meditation practice by providing a space for reflection and insight. Here are some questions to consider:

  1. What sensations or emotions did you notice during the body scan?
  2. How did setting an intention influence your meditation experience?
  3. Were there any areas of your body that held more tension or relaxation than others?
  4. How do you feel now compared to before the meditation?

Deep healing takes commitment. Keep practicing with more of our top deep healing meditations: 

Enhance your self-awareness and healing with Insight Timer’s free meditation app

By consistently practicing body scan meditations, you can experience a profound shift in your emotional and mental well-being. For those seeking further self-awareness and healing, download Insight Timer’s free meditation app. Explore a vast array of meditations, including the transformative practice you just experienced. Enhance your meditation with our meditation music and guided sessions tailored to your needs. Enjoy the journey towards a more peaceful, compassionate, and self-aware you.

Enjoy davidji’s instruction? Follow along with his meditation for overcoming anxiety and overthinking.

Meditation. Free.