Left Shoulder Chakra Meditation: Release Tension and Find Inner Peace

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Do you often feel a tightness or discomfort in your left shoulder? This sensation can be more than just physical—it can also signify energetic blockages. 

Our bodies are incredibly responsive to our emotional and mental states, and sometimes these states manifest as physical tension in the body. In this article, we explore a powerful guided meditation led by Ariel Hardy, designed to release tension from the left shoulder and open chakras, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.

Join Ariel Hardy, a renowned meditation guide on Insight Timer, as she leads you through a serene journey of chakra healing and energy release. This meditation can help alleviate physical discomfort and elevate your vibrational energy, fostering a sense of lightness and clarity.

A 16-minute left shoulder chakra meditation to release tension and elevate your energy

Experience a focused approach to clearing and balancing the energy in your left shoulder and upper body chakras. This guided meditation helps you release any built-up tension, allowing you to feel lighter and more centered.

For more guided meditations like this, visit the largest library of free guided meditations on Insight Timer.

Left shoulder chakra meditation script

Here is a step-by-step guide through the meditation practice led by Ariel Hardy:

Step 1: Set the intention

Begin by setting a clear intention for your meditation. This could be something simple like, “I release all tension and invite peace into my being.” Setting an intention helps to focus your mind and energy on what you wish to achieve during the meditation.

Step 2: Centering and grounding

Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. As you inhale, imagine drawing in light and positivity. As you exhale, release any tension or negativity you might be holding. Feel yourself becoming more centered and grounded with each breath.

Step 3: Scan and acknowledge tension

Bring your awareness to your body. Scan for any areas of tension, particularly in your neck and left shoulder. Acknowledge these sensations with open awareness and without judgment, simply noting where you feel tightness or discomfort.

Step 4: Move the energy

Visualize a gentle light entering your body through the crown of your head. Use your breath to move this light energy, filling your neck and shoulders and releasing any blockages or tightness.

Step 5: Release tension

As you breathe, imagine gathering all the tightness and discomfort from your left shoulder. Visualize giving this tension away, releasing it into the universe. This step is crucial for creating space for positive energy to enter.

Step 6: Brighten your soul light

Focus on your upper chest, where your soul light resides. This light is a representation of your true self, pure and vibrant. Imagine awakening the inner light within your chest, allowing it to shine brightly. 

Step 7: Clear the throat chakra

Shift your focus to your throat area. Clear this space so your voice can resonate from your soul, not just your mind. This practice enhances authentic self-expression and communication.

Step 8: Visualize positive outcomes

Take a moment to visualize positive outcomes for yourself and others. Send love and positive energy to people you know, imagining their lives filled with joy and ease. This act not only spreads positivity but also reinforces a mindset of compassion and goodwill.

Step 9: Open the crown chakra

Imagine a large opening above your head, connecting you to the sky and the universe. This is your crown chakra. This connection allows a flow of universal energy and wisdom.

Step 10: Center and ground the energy

Feel the energy from your crown chakra align through your spine, grounding it down through your legs and into your feet. This step ensures that the energy you’ve gathered is well-integrated into your body, providing stability and balance.

Step 11: Release fear and negative energy

Focus again on your left shoulder, particularly the area behind it. Release any guardedness, fear, or shyness that might be held there. Imagine these feelings as dark threads or netting being gently pulled away, leaving you feeling lighter and more open.

Step 12: Rebalance

After releasing the negative energy, visualize a ball of light filling the area in your left shoulder. This light brings new, positive energy, filling you with a sense of freedom, space, and happiness.

Step 13: Spread the vibration

Allow this new light and positive energy to spread throughout your body. Feel it moving down your spine, into your lower back, legs, and feet, spreading joy and aliveness.

Step 14: Gratitude and reflection

Bring light into your heart and express gratitude. Feel thankful for the light and the healing process. Feel safe and secure in this light, knowing it will always heal and protect you.

Step 15: Visualize your entire being made of light

Finally, imagine yourself entirely made of light. Your spine is centered and strong, radiating this light throughout your entire being. Lift your face to the light above, receive the healing energy, and smile.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Ariel Hardy’s Left Shoulder Chakra Meditation, which you can find here.

Take a moment to reflect

To deepen your meditation practice, consider keeping a journal. Journaling allows you to process and integrate the experiences and insights gained during meditation.

Here are some reflective questions to guide your journaling:

  1. What physical sensations did you notice in your body, particularly in your left shoulder?
  2. Do you feel different after the meditation from how you felt before?
  3. Did you experience any emotional shifts during the meditation? What were they?
  4. How can you apply the feelings of lightness and peace from this meditation to your daily life?

Release more stored tension with additional meditations:

Learn more about how the body stores tension and how to release it

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