Manifest Abundance While You Sleep: A Guided Meditation for Wealth and Success

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Insight Timer is the top free meditation app on iOS and Android.

Imagine going to bed each night with the ability to influence your subconscious mind and awaken to a world of abundance. What if your sleep could be more than just restful? What if it became the time when you unlock your potential for wealth and success? In this blog post, we’ll explore Happy Mind Meditation’s guided practice: Manifest Abundance While You Sleep

Join Simon, the voice behind Happy Mind Meditation, as he leads you through this nightly ritual of manifesting wealth. With his calming guidance, you’ll tap into the potent power of your subconscious to clear blocks around money, embrace a mindset of abundance, and welcome financial prosperity into your life effortlessly.

Inspiration behind the manifesting abundance meditation

Simon’s journey into meditation began over a decade ago when he was grappling with depression and anxiety. As a musician, his creative output was a vital part of his life, and when this was disrupted, it led him to explore various forms of self-healing and therapies. It was meditation that finally brought him back to a place of joy and ease. Simon shares:

“As I began to heal, I felt a natural pull to give back.” 

His transformative experience with meditation inspired him to create his own guided practices. Over time, he realized how powerful it could be to incorporate the principles he had learned into meditations that help others manifest abundance and shift limiting beliefs.

This guided sleep meditation reflects Simon’s belief in the creative energy of abundance. He explains:

“There is abundance in every living thing, and money is simply a part of that natural flow.” 

A 59-minute guided meditation to manifest abundance

This 59-minute sleep meditation by Happy Mind Meditation guides you into a deep state of relaxation while helping you shift any subconscious blocks around money and wealth. The meditation uses positive affirmations and visualization techniques to help you feel abundant, even before falling asleep. The more you practice this meditation, the stronger your sense of financial possibility becomes.

As Simon explains:

“This window of time just before you drift off to sleep is the most powerful moment to influence your subconscious mind.” 

In this state, your mind is most open to suggestions, making it the perfect time to rewrite limiting beliefs about money and replace them with powerful, positive affirmations.

For more sleep meditation practices like this, explore the largest library of free guided meditations on Insight Timer.

Manifest abundance while you sleep guided meditation script

Step 1: Begin with gratitude

Start the meditation by focusing on gratitude, an essential emotion for tapping into abundance. Simon explains:

“Gratitude is probably the single most powerful and underrated practice we can do to experience greater levels of peace and happiness in life.” 

During the meditation, you’re guided to reflect on something from your day that made you feel thankful—whether it’s your morning cup of tea or a beautiful sunset.

Engaging all your senses, revisit that moment and feel the warmth of gratitude wash over you. This small but powerful step opens the gateway to abundance.

Step 2: Relax and breathe deeply

Next, take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale all the stress and tension from the day. As you breathe in again, feel the top of your head relax, and let that sense of relaxation flow down your body—from your eyes and throat to your chest, arms, and legs.

Simon guides you to fully surrender into the present moment, gently sinking deeper into your bed. At this stage, your body is in a calm, relaxed state, and you are ready to welcome abundance.

Step 3: Focus on a specific desire

Once your body and mind are at ease, bring to mind one specific desire you wish to manifest. The clearer and more specific the desire, the better. Visualize yourself already having this desire in your life—whether it’s financial freedom, a new career opportunity, or something else you deeply wish to receive.

Allow yourself to fully experience what it feels like to have your desire right now. “Set the clear intention of what you want to receive,” Simon says, emphasizing the importance of clarity and trust in this process.

Step 4: Let go of attachments

After holding your desire in your mind and feeling its presence in your life, the next step is to let go. Trust that the universe will provide. Simon encourages you to release any attachment to how or when your desire will manifest. Simply know that it is already taken care of, and your only job is to relax and fall deeper into a peaceful, restful sleep.

As you surrender, your mind naturally prepares for sleep, knowing that your desires are already on their way to you.

Step 5: Fall asleep with affirmations

As you drift off into sleep, Simon offers positive affirmations to deepen your belief in abundance. These affirmations reinforce your subconscious mind’s alignment with wealth and success. You can either repeat the affirmations quietly or simply allow your subconscious mind to absorb them as you sleep.

Here are some of the affirmations included in the meditation:

  • “I effortlessly attract wealth.”
  • “I deserve all the wealth and abundance my heart desires.”
  • “Every day I attract large sums of money.”
  • “I am confident in my ability to create value and receive money.”

By repeating these affirmations, your subconscious mind begins to remove limiting beliefs about money and replace them with positive, empowering thoughts. As Simon reminds listeners, the power of the subconscious mind is extraordinary when it comes to creating lasting change.

This guided meditation script was adapted from Happy Mind Meditation‘s sleep manifestation practice for abundance.

Tips for beginners from Simon at Happy Mind Meditation

For those who may struggle with visualization, Simon encourages focusing on the feeling of having your desire. Simon explains:

“While visualization is important, the main goal is to simply ‘feel’ the feeling as deeply as we can. The universe speaks more powerfully in ‘feelings’.” 

If visualizing specific outcomes proves difficult, he suggests focusing more on the emotions and sensations that having your desire would evoke.

Take a moment to reflect

After practicing this sleep meditation, it’s important to take some time to reflect on your experience. Here are a few questions to guide your reflection:

  • How did you feel while connecting with your specific desire?
  • Were there any moments when you felt a particularly strong flow of energy or emotion?
  • How did your mindset around abundance shift after the meditation?
  • What insights or thoughts came to you during or after the meditation that might deepen your practice in the future?

Journaling about your experience can help you solidify these insights and track your progress over time. By reflecting on these moments, you can further refine your manifestation practice and enhance your connection to abundance.

Why Simon at Happy Mind Meditation loves meditating with Insight Timer

Sharing meditations on Insight Timer has allowed Simon to reach listeners from all around the world. The platform offers a unique opportunity for meditators to connect with practices that resonate with them, regardless of their background or experience level. Simon appreciates Insight Timer’s array of meditations and their accessibility. With its extensive library of meditations and easy-to-use features, Insight Timer is a powerful tool for anyone seeking growth, peace, and transformation. 

Access more meditation resources to support your sleep

If you’re looking to explore other meditations for manifesting abundance or enhancing sleep, Insight Timer offers an array of guided practices. The largest library of free guided meditations includes more tools to help you on your journey toward abundance, including premium courses and 25,000+ groups.

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